Where and When?

The meeting will be held at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemistry Technology, Ljubljana, Slovenia between Wednesday, June 14th and Sunday, June 18th, 2017

Latest News

  • June 2017

    Full programe has been made available.
  • May 2017

    The abstract submission deadline has been extended to May 29th
  • April 2017

    Registration form and abstract template are now available!
  • March 2017

    Olex2 workshop will be organized during the SCCM 2017!
  • February 2017

    The plenary lectures have been announced! You can find the complete list in the Programme tab.


E-mail: slocro25@fkkt.uni-lj.si Registration: 15th May 2017


Every year the crystallographers from different countries meet at the annual Slovenian-Croatian (Croatian-Slovenian) crystallographic meeting to present their work and exchange the ideas in multiple areas of research involving crystallography. The 25th consecutive meeting is organized jointly by the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana and the Croatian Crystallographic Association under the auspices of University of Ljubljana and promoted by the Slovenian Chemical Society.

The official language of the Meeting is English.

There is NO registration fee.

Registration and abstract submissions are now closed.



